Why make use of our services
Apart from huge financial benefits, there are numerous reasons why you should contract with us. We are efficient in what we do and utilise simplified processes to speedup matters.
So apart from financial gain, you don’t need to worry about personnel issues – we do your work. Recent studies have indicated that personnel expenditure is one of the biggest expenses. Personnel turnover is also one of the biggest worries as well as grievances, disciplinary codes, payroll matters etc.
Who will interpret new and amended legislation, and what will the effect be on your practice? Rely on us to do it on your behalf!
Our Services
Practice management is a specialised field. It therefore makes sense to outsource the financial affairs and associated administration of medical practices to specialists.
Medical Billing Solutions is currently providing a variety of services, but mainly focuses on the collection of funds arising from the delivery of services to patients. We also strive to fulfil personal requests from our clients, therefore allowing for input from the medical practitioner.
Medical Billing Solutions have “the know how” and track record to take your practice to new heights.
Collection of Debt
The collection of debt is what we specialise in. We receive a commission based on the money received by the practitioner, and NOT on the turnover. Therefore, if we are not successful in collecting your debts, we don’t get paid.
Our approach to the collection of debt cannot be overemphasised. In probably 90% of all cases, we’re either the first or last point of contact in representing the medical practitioner. It is therefore of extreme importance that we maintain a professional image, but also to get the job done.
All funds claimed from the medical schemes or any other party is paid directly into the bank account of the medical practitioner.
Costs Involved
All costs involved in the administration of your practice, are covered by Medical Billing Solutions. These costs include software licensing, submission of claims, stationery, telephone expenditure, postages etc. This means that you will receive only one invoice on a monthly basis, and will only be charged for services rendered in terms of the amount of funds received.
There are no hidden costs or any other administration fees payable.
Our approach to the collection of debt cannot be overemphasised. In probably 90% of all cases, we’re either the first or last point of contact in representing the medical practitioner. It is therefore of extreme importance that we maintain a professional image, but also to get the job done.
All funds claimed from the medical schemes or any other party is paid directly into the bank account of the medical practitioner.
Monthly Invoice and Reports
At the end of every month, Medical Billing Solutions will provide you with a detailed invoice based on various reports. The invoice will indicate a full history of the current financial years’ activities, and will be accompanied by the following reports:
Receipt Book Reconciliation – This report will indicate a full analysis of all payments received.
- Turnover Report – This report will indicate a full analysis of your turnover for the current month, indicated on a day to day basis. This report will also indicate a summary of funds received, as well as any debit- or credit adjustments, discount and bad debt.
- Medical Fund Age Analysis – This report will indicate all outstanding debtors, and will be categorised by means of medical and patient liabilities. It will also indicate the amount due by the applicable medical schemes, and will be indicated by means of current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 90+ days outstanding.
MEDS stands for Medical Electronic Data Storage. This process has been implemented to ensure that all records are kept safe, and by participating in this program, we guarantee that these records will be stored electronically for either the duration of the contract, or the life of the medical practitioner.
A small once-off fee is charged per record. Thereafter, the applicable records are stored electronically, without any further fees charged ever.
Provide Information and Implement Changes
In the medical industry, various changes take place on a regular basis. In many cases, further changes will take place prior to the adjustment of the first changes.
Practice management has become an important role, and it is a requirement to successfully administer and manage your practice in terms of all applicable legislation and medical scheme rules.
Medical Billing Solutions are constantly monitoring the external environment that can have a huge impact and financial implications on your practice.
Apart from monitoring the external environment, our policies will be amended to adapt to these changes. We will also keep the medical practitioner informed of these changes. Press articles and news flashes are updated on this web site on a daily basis.
Practice Management
A profile of the medical practitioner will be created. This profile will identify various individual inputs from the client, and will assist in the management of the practice. Some of these aspects will include discount, payment arrangements, fees chargeable etc. By creating a profile of the medical practitioner, we will be able to manage the practice more efficiently and effectively, and we will also do this hassle free.
Credit Card Facilities
Medical Billing Solutions also provides credit card facilities. These facilities are available through the web, and any practice contracted with Medical Billing Solutions, can make use of these facilities. Merchant fees are however payable by the medical practitioner.
Bad Debt
Bad debt is unfortunately one of the more unpleasant aspects with regard to practice management. However, Medical Billing Solutions has been able to minimise this aspect by following a pro-active approach, and by constantly reviewing and adjusting their policies.
During the recession that took place between 2007 and 2008, the combined average of bad debt of all practices was only 1.8%. The past two years we have been able to decrease this figure to just below 1.0%.
Medical Billing Solutions is also making use of external contractors to collect any form of bad debt. All costs in this regard are charged to the patient, and all collections are also based on a percentage of funds collected. This means that you don’t have to pay any bills regarding legal fees.
Lastly, but very importantly, all bad debts will be discussed with the medical practitioner prior to any action taken in this regard. The medical practitioner will be provided with all information regarding the bad debt, and the medical practitioner must make the decision to hand over the patient.
Bad debt is administered in such a way to allow maximum tax relief every financial year.
Tax Advisors
Medical Billing Solutions can also provide you with valuable information regarding your tax returns. We have gained helpful experience in these matters, and various tax specialists are contracted in this regard to ensure that all matters are legally filed.
Not willing to wait until the end of the month to receive your monthly reports? Contact us any time, and we will provide you with the information requested. We can also schedule weekly updates. These updates will typically provide preliminary information regarding your turnover and funds received.
Individual Preferences
Should the medical practitioner have any special requests or individual preferences, Medical Billing Solutions will gladly try to accommodate these requests. This will mean that the practice is personalised according to the needs of the medical practitioner.
Unexpected or Unplanned Audits
If you are not contracted with Medical Billing Solutions, and you require an assessment of your practice, we will gladly assist you in this regard. An hourly rate will be charged as determined by Medical Billing Solutions.
Electronic Processes
Medical Billing Solutions supports a green environment, and approximately 95% of all processes have been designed to be completed in electronic format. We also make monthly contributions to the SPCA by donating all our paper waste to Mondi for recycling.
Compensation Commissioner
Tired of waiting up to five years for a payment from the Compensation Commissioner? Please feel free to contact us in this regard as we have created various solutions to resolve these issues.